A few weeks ago, while my hubby was working, I sat down to watch a movie. I have 3 males in my house and when we get together to choose a movie, I rarely win out with a "chick flick" as they would say. So I sat down and chose one of those "chick flick" movies. Have you ever watched a movie that touched you so deeply that you could barely breathe? Well I barely stopped crying and laughing the entire movie and when it was over, I wanted to watch it again. So last night, since we had a night to ourselves, I asked hubby to watch it with me. It has such a special story. There are so many little things in it that remind me of my husband and I, how we met ( he was walking down the street, I was riding a bike) , my ties to Ireland, and how deeply I feel about him after 20yrs. Of course I cried and laughed through the whole thing again, and surprisingly, he enjoyed it too. I especially love the music (the priest singing had me roaring laughing) Imagine my surprise, after I watched the movie the first time, to find three of the songs from the movie in my ITunes shopping cart. They had been sitting in there for quite a while waiting for me to buy them. Of course I bought them immediately. It has become my all time favorite romantic movie. I can't wait to watch it again...