Friday, November 21, 2008

"As Above, So Below"

There are many things about my new  job I like. One of them is the music. We are able to listen to music all day...Loud music... All kinds of music. With the eclectic group of people I work with we have everything from industrial metal to Willie Nelson, and lots of unique stuff in between.  Various people bring in their ipods and hook them up for our listening pleasure.  Today, I was taken back to the early eighties  when I heard several songs by the Tom Tom Club.  ( I have this one on vinyl) .  The Tom Tom Club is just fun, silly, ridiculous music and  very interesting lyrics. They have such a catchy beat. As the songs played they all slowly started coming back to me. I think I will be spending some time on Itunes tonight...

1 comment:

The Cog said...

oh my gosh---what great album cover art!